tag: python

Writing the IPython Cookbook


My latest book was released a few weeks ago. This project has been one of the most challenging projects I've ever done, and not necessarily for the reasons I would have originally thought. Here is a little story of those fifteen months writing the IPython cookbook.

IPython Cookbook released


My new book, IPython Interactive Computing and Visualization Cookbook, has just been released! A sequel to my previous beginner-level book on Python for data analysis, this new 500-page book is a complete advanced-level guide to Python for data science. The 100+ recipes cover not only interactive and high-performance computing topics, but also data science methods in statistics, data mining, machine learning, signal processing, image processing, network analysis, and mathematical modeling.

Why you should move to Python 3 – now


I started to learn Python in 2008. The same year, Python 3 was released. Yet, almost six years later, I'm still using Python 2. Like the vast majority of scientific Python programmers, apparently.

But now is the time for me to move to Python 3. You should too. Here's why.

Open Data Hackathon: road accidents


I've participated at an Open Data hackathon organized by the French Minister of the Interior and several open data institutions. Together with Rue89 journalists and an OCTO Web developer, we created in two days an interactive map of all 62,000 road accidents in France in 2012. We used a very rich dataset released by the Minister of the Interior and Etalab.

Road accidents

Scientific Python in the Browser: it's coming!


There is currently a manifest trend in the scientific Python ecosystem: Python is slowly but surely coming to the browser. It's a real challenge, but we're getting there. In this post, I want to give an overview of where we are, and where we're headed.