Cyrille Rossant

NumPy in the browser: proof of concept with Numba, LLVM, and emscripten


It's been a while since I wanted to try to bring some of NumPy to the browser. I've already discussed the motivations for this in a previous post last year. As far as I'm concerned, the main use case would be to enable interactive data visualization in offline notebooks (including nbviewer), which often require client-based array operations for interactivity. In this post, I'll describe a proof-of-concept of compiling NumPy-aware Python functions to JavaScript using Numba, LLVM, and emscripten.

Big Data visualization with WebGL, part 2: VisPy


In this post series, I'm describing the big data visualization platform I'm currently developing with WebGL. I'll detail in this second post the VisPy library which is the basis of the project.

Writing the IPython Cookbook


My latest book was released a few weeks ago. This project has been one of the most challenging projects I've ever done, and not necessarily for the reasons I would have originally thought. Here is a little story of those fifteen months writing the IPython cookbook.

Big Data visualization with WebGL, part 1: Overview


In this post series, I'll talk about the big data visualization platform I'm currently developing with WebGL. I'll give in this first post the main motivations for this project. The next posts will contain the technical details.

IPython Cookbook released


My new book, IPython Interactive Computing and Visualization Cookbook, has just been released! A sequel to my previous beginner-level book on Python for data analysis, this new 500-page book is a complete advanced-level guide to Python for data science. The 100+ recipes cover not only interactive and high-performance computing topics, but also data science methods in statistics, data mining, machine learning, signal processing, image processing, network analysis, and mathematical modeling.